When we claim that we go that extra mile, considering the details that make such a difference, it’s not just words. Here are our promises, to you.
Environment and quality

Certificates that make you feel good
Blomdahl cares about helping everyone feel beautiful, every day. That’s why we always go the extra mile and pay special attention to details. It applies to everything – from the materials we choose, to our production and keeping a level of quality that is in line with the life you want to live. We design with love and care and are so selective in our choices that everyone, even you with skin that needs extra care, can wear jewellery from Blomdahl. The only things you need to consider is what you think is beautiful and what you like the most. Because, you can be sure that we’ve already thought about everything else. It’s “loving care you can wear”, every day of the week and for all your special occasions.